Please provide the professional name or business name you prefer listed in the event program if selected to participate.
Do you have a website or social media page dedicated to your artwork?
Do you have an Instagram page dedicated to your artwork?
Do you have a Facebook page dedicated to your artwork?
Entry Guidelines
There is a $10 entry fee per design that supports the Gardens and our summer fundraiser. If you are under the age of 18, you may create a design, but it must be submitted on your behalf by a parent or guardian. The winning design will adhere to the following design guidelines:
– Must be the artist's own original work and they have all necessary rights and permissions to use any included elements
– This must be a graphic design or illustration, no photographs
– The design must be limited to 5 colors or less
– The design should be built to fit within a 10" wide by 12" tall area
– Submitted in high resolution between 600 and 1200 dpi as a .pdf, .png, .ai, or .psd file
– Design must represent Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens and Art in the Gardens in some way
Elements to consider including in your design:
– Art in all mediums, music, wine/beer, food
– Ocean imagery, recognizable scenes, and structures found at MCBG
– Seasonally relevant plants such as fuchsias, begonias, roses, succulents, cacti, heaths, heathers, vegetables, and especially dahlias
Please refer to pictures of the Gardens, our plant collections, and event photos from previous Art in the Gardens on our website.
Upload 1 digital image of your design here. Please name the file with the title the design and your name. If you are unable, please email the images to marketing@gardenbythesea.org.
Please provide a description of what inspired your design and call out any elements to take special note of.
Fine Print
By submitting an entry, the artist consents that it is their own original work and that they have all necessary rights and permissions to use any included elements. *
How did you hear about this contest? *
Please let us know how you learned about the Art in the Gardens call for artists. You may select more than one.